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Healthy Digestion

Integral Part of Overall Health and Wellbeing

How does BARLEYmax® help with healthy digestion?

BarleyMAX helps promote healthy digestion

BARLEYmax® Super Barley™

BARLEYmax® Super Barley™ has the highest amount of resistant starch compared to most other grains

The Hungry Microbiome

Why resistant starch is good for you

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A healthy digestive system

To encourage a healthy microbiome, it is important to eat more fibre, especially fermentable fibres such as resistant starch, as it is these that good bacteria use to nourish the lining of the digestive tract. Resistant Starch is the component in food that manages to make it through the digestive processes in the stomach and small intestine to feed the microbiome in the large intestine

BARLEYmax® Fact

Including foods with the BARLEYmax® Super Barley™ whole grain is a simple and easy way to increase
the amount of resistant starch in your diet, without making significant lifestyle changes.

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