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Bowel Health

A whole grain rich diet improves digestive health

Bowel health is important

The importance of a healthy digestive system is often forgotten amongst the constant stream of health warnings and quick fix cures. However, bowel cancer is the second most common cancer in Australia, affecting many men and women over the age of 50.

Studies have proven that a wholegrain rich diet can significantly improve digestive health and reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 40%. An easy way to do this is by including BARLEYmax® in your diet.

BarleyMAX supports bowel health

How BARLEYmax® helps

A diet low in fibre has been linked as a contributing factor to poor bowel health and pre-disposition to bowel related issues. Consuming foods with the BARLEYmax® whole grain is a simple and easy way to increase the amount of dietary fibre in your diet, without making significant lifestyle changes.

The BARLEYmax® whole grain includes these elements which have all been shown to improve bowel health:

soluble fibre
insoluble fibre

My dietician recommends it. It helps to make me feel full and it is necessary for my gut health.

Susan SNSW

BARLEYmax® Fact

Including foods with the BARLEYmax® Super Barley™ whole grain is a simple and easy way to increase the amount of resistant starch in your diet, without making significant lifestyle changes.

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