The origins of barley and the Himalaya barley grain
” el_file=””][TS-VCSC-Timeline timeline_style=”style3″ title=”Tsampa” text=”Today barley remains important in the diet of modern day Tibetans, their basic food called Tsampa is made out of roasted and crushed barley and mixed with Yak milk. It is likely that a barley line from Tibet, called Himalaya, was the source of the original breeding material for BARLEYmax®.
” el_file=””][TS-VCSC-Timeline timeline_style=”style3″ timeline_position=”direction-r” title=”Elusive background” text=”The background of the Himalaya barley grain remains elusive. It was collected early on, almost certainly from the Himalayas and taken to the USA where it appears in 20th Century literature.” el_file=””][TS-VCSC-Timeline timeline_style=”style3″ timeline_ulwrap=”bottom” title=”Himalaya 292″ text=”Himalaya made its way to Australia after CSIRO’s Dr Peter Chandler obtained the variety from Washington State University believing its ‘nakedness and tallness’ would be ideal for his research. Peter subsequently bred, along traditional lines, a variety named Himalaya 292. ” el_file=””]