- A world-first barley whole grain that is high in fibre and very low in gluten.
- Gluten content is less than 5 parts per million (ppm), well below the limit of 20 ppm recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for classification as gluten-free.
Kebari® barley
High fibre, ultra low gluten, barley whole grain
What is Kebari® barley?
Kebari® barley is a trademark of CSIRO
What are the unique benefits of Kebari® barley?
Traditional gluten free foods low in B group vitamins, Iron, Zinc and fibre.
Kebari® barley is a wholegrain solution that helps overcome these dietary deficiencies for people who wish to avoid gluten.
Where is Kebari® barley available for purchase?
The Healthy Grain has negotiated exclusive rights for the commercial production and sale of hull-less Kebari® barley in the food industry
Kebari® barley which will be commercially available over the next 3 years.
The Healthy Grain is now beginning to work with food companies to develop commercialisation opportunities in food and beverage manufacturing.